Water Heater Comparisons

Updated on:
January 6, 2024

The average American household spends 18% of its annual energy costs on water heating, according to a study conducted by the Department of Energy. Cutting down your energy consumption would be so easy by just not using the water heater. However, it is impossible not to use it during the winter and nobody would ever dare take a cold shower during that time. This is why it is necessary for homeowners to purchase the most energy-efficient water heater available in the market.

There are different types of water heaters in the market today and they vary significantly in terms of cost, efficiency, and operation. Learning about the pros and cons of each water heater can help you determine which type is best for your house.

Find out the differences between water heaters so you can easily identify which is the best type for your home:

Different Water Heaters Compared

Gas vs Electric Water Heater

Gas and electric water heaters are the most common types of water heaters in the market today. They are also the most popular because they are less expensive than other types of water heaters.

Each have their own set of pros and cons that you need to take into consideration before making a purchase. Check out our complete buyer’s guide below to learn more.

Read more: The Complete Buyer’s Guide to Gas vs Electric Water Heater

Electric vs Gas Tankless Water Heater

Tankless water heaters have become more popular in recent years because they are more energy-efficient than traditional tank water heaters. But when it comes to choosing between an electric and gas tankless water heater, which is the better option?

To help you decide, we’ve put together a comprehensive buyer’s guide that covers everything you need to know about these two types of tankless water heaters.

Read more: Electric vs Gas Tankless Water Heater: Factors to Consider Before Purchase

Tank vs Tankless Water Heaters

Hot water is a necessity in every home, but not all homes have the same water heating needs. This is why there are two main types of water heaters: tank and tankless. As to which type is best for your home, it all depends on your specific needs and how much you are willing to spend.

To help you choose the right water heater, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide that covers the cost, efficiency, and pros and cons of each type.

Read more: Cost of Tankless Water Heater vs Tank Water Heater

Indoor vs Outdoor Tankless Water Heater

Not all homes are the same, and that includes the installation location of your water heater. For some homes, an indoor water heater is the best option while for others, an outdoor unit is a better choice.

To help you decide which type of water heater is best for your home, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide that covers the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Read more: Indoor vs Outdoor Tankless Water Heater

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